Patching In After you open up the Flypaper application, you must make sure you connect lines of MIDI information in and/or out of the Flypaper application using the Patchbay desk accessory or application that came with your Apple MIDI Manager installation. If you double-clicked the Flypaper application while Appletalk was on, you may have received a message indicating "The Printer Port is in Use...". If this happens and you would like to use your Printer Port for MIDI messages, first Quit the Flypaper application, then open the Chooser and turn Appletalk OFF, and finally double-click on the Flypaper application to start it again. It may be necessary to double-click on your MIDI driver icon in the Patchbay window to reactivate the Printer port. Open up the Patchbay application and connect incoming MIDI information into Flypaper's "inputs" and outgoing information from Flypaper's "outputs" to some device or application that appears in the Patchbay window: Try to keep all of your connections "symmetrical" by connecting pairs of inputs and outputs to corresponding input and output pairs in Flypaper. For example, connect the output of the Apple MIDI Driver Printer Port to "Input 1" of Flypaper. Then connect "Output 1" of Flypaper to the input of the Apple MIDI Driver Printer Port. Flypaper will remember your connections in the Patchbay and restore them the next time you launch the Flypaper application.